
Bajau of Sabah

The Bajau people came from 2 tribes : 1) Bajau tribes of Kota Belud and 2) Bajau Laut tribes of Semporna

The Bajau tribes of Kota Belud are known for horse-riding while the Bajau Laut tribes of Semporna are known for their seafaring skills.

Bajau Laut tribes are known as the sea gypsy people like other island people of the Pacific Ocean in southern Philippines and other small islands.

For many years Bajau Laut lived in the ocean on make-shift house boats. Only in recent years they made settlements on coastal area with houses built on stilts. The ocean is still their main source of living - fishing, collecting clams and mussels, and pearl farming in Bodgaya Island and Boheydulang Island.

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